imagine life is an instrument


Imagine life is an instrument.

Life is all about energies, vibrations & frequencies - I have heard that sentence for years now, but you know these mantras that you hear over and over and they resonate and somewhat make sense but then there is a moment in life, when it finally makes click and your body understands its meaning. All puzzle pieces fall into place and you just know how to life by that sentence.

What is the melody and rhythm I want to write this blog post in? What is the tones I want to hit and invite you to feel? One of the biggest lessons I understood in this year, is to tune into a frequency first before I create. And let me tell you, this is huge, this is intangible, this tapping into creator consciousness. For me this is a spiritual path, conecting with source, the divine and one of the biggest benefits for me, so far, is that it takes me out of my head and into my body, that it lifts pressure of my shoulders and creates room to breath.

Imagine life is an instrument and you know that instruments need room to breath and air to sound and carry information.

It all starts with you.

You being born and alive is an invitation to learn how to play and create magical sounds on this planet, in this universe and potentially in the multiverse.

So, just to anchor this: everything we experience is made up of vibrating energy.

Babe, remember who you are! What is your energy?

Each of us is formed out of dust. Not just any dust but stardust. Carefully curated. Designed to be successfull - embarking on a journey of finding your our own version and definition of success. Hopefully. Free of societal expectations.

It is through unfolding & realizing our unique potential & purpose that the universe evolves & expresses itself. You are born with a mission. Therefore, lets explore the steps:

First step to learn playing this instrument called life is to become aware of your thoughts. Your creative & supportive thoughts, your destructive & unsupportive thoughts. Learn to understand their power, as their frequencies, vibrations and energies rule how you live.

Second step is finding joy in aligning yourself with energies, frequencies and vibrations you want to experience and attract. Become the CEO of your (future) life! This is about empowerment, about self-leadership, not management.

Claim your life, claim your future life that is in sync with the universe's version of success. The highest frequency of your heart’s dreams and desires.

Final step is to understand that you have all the power to decide. Decide what energetic life you want to life. Chose high vibrational thoughts and actions.

Decision and Choice are powerful tools when embarking on the adventure of understanding your mind, body and soul’s unique codes. Often a passive habbit is nothing more then the unconscious decision of not deciding and missing out on opportunities.

Life is an instrument and from the bottom of my heart, I invite you to this journey of play.

I invite you to play it fully your play full life.

As a coach, often what I do is I create and open time and space for you, and for you two, to breath, feel, and explore the melodies of life. On the journey you tune your instrument, learn the skills, practice, dare and activeate your voice, for your melodies to better express and elevate your unapologetic, authentic self - in your relationships, together harmonizing.

inspired by the book “the quantum warrior”


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