Where is the wisdom of ancient times


Sometimes I wonder what happened to the wisdom of ancient times.

It has not disappered completely. It is stored in the web of consciousness, somewhere.

Just imagine yourself reading a book, a theory and applying its wisdom. Its in your body, its stored in your cells. Bodily wisdom and one of the main reasons why reading is not enough.

This applied wisdom is IN you and for you to decide whom to share it with.

Now lets imagine one day it is decided to turn off the internet, turn off the library of your digital reader. Yet another tyran decides to burn ooks - like it hasnt happened before.

Still the seed remains in a few people’ mind, body and soul. And as they apply and share the essence, the message, the knowledge remains in the web of consciousness.

So, if you were to get hold of the most powerful, esoteric, ancient tools, methods and laws of cosmic universal wisdom, would you share it? Whom would you share it with in a time where you might get burned for it?

You keep it safe. In you. In your family. In your tribe. Trusting that one day the law of balance will show you what to do with it.

It might be your great, great grand children’s time when this wisdom plays out. And it might just feel just and safe. So I wonder what is the wisdom not written down, not shared , not sold, because no price allows for this wisdom to feel safe to be shared. Too powerful to disclose.

My mind is yearning to know, feel, learn.

Here we are, you and I, twentyfirst century, capturing all our newly acquired wisdom in the www which brings so much but can so easily be burned one day, by the finger of a tyrant.

The area of science, giving us comfort to decifer the mysteries of life. Slowly recovering what has always been there. yaks, sometimes I am just frustrated how slow and misguided, mal guided science actually is. Like a flashlight pointing to one single aspect of the sky trying to make sense of the whole universe. It has become a balance act to wait for science, embrace its helpful insights and tune in with the inner knowing, which, once you tap into it can feel like the fastest, clenest, most honest way to understand the wisdom of all that is.

This is an invitation to learn and play with the universe within yourself. Embrace science, yes, AND question it. don’t be blind to the fact that it will only always cover a few aspects, while your body, your nerves, your connection to the divine will help you make your truth out of the many truths. Keep your critical thinking, it is what we need for science.

Remember, there is wisdom and knowledge in our DNA and in the cosmic web that is not widely shared, because it was burned, because it was not wanted to be accessible, because it was rewritten by rulers, story tellers,… Let this also be an invitation to empower yourself, to tap again into your bodily wisdom.

note that yes, speaking and sharing your truth, or sharing a lost art is not always well received. However it is due to the lack of communication and relationship skills, like holding space for diverse perspectives and not because there is something wrong with you.

Here is a few of the practices, tools and methods that have helped me on that journey:

  • eating healthy, feeling what my body wants and needs

  • practicing mindfulness and yoga

  • meditation, contemplation and expressing new thoughts in writing or conversation

  • Mindset!

  • human design, thetaHealing (r), Quantum Physics

  • Breathwork, Channeling, Energy work

  • Believing, e.g. believing that I can connect with an ancestor, asking for their wisdom and receiving their answers.

  • spiritual practice

How do merge ancient wisdom and modern science?


imagine life is an instrument